Suggested Wedding Music

Dr. Kiri Tollaksen has 14 years of professional experience playing trumpet. She has played solo trumpet in a countless number of weddings, including the wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Kennedy Jr. 

If you are interested in adding the splendors of trumpet to your special wedding ceremony, please contact Kiri at, or 734-973-2874.


The following sound samples require either the Real  Audio Player or the Windows Media Player.

Here are samples of suggested music for your wedding:

All samples are performed by Kiri Tollaksen, trumpet, and Martha Folts, organ
(selections can be interchangeable within the ceremony)


Prince of Denmark’s March (Trumpet Voluntary) Jeremiah Clarke
Rondeau  Jean Joseph Mouret
The St. Anthony Choral Franz Joseph Haydn
Prelude to Te Deum Marc-Antoine Charpentier
Trumpet Voluntary  John Stanley


Hornpipe (from The Water Music) George Friederich Handel
Suite in D Major Handel
Trumpet Tune Henry Purcell

Prelude, Postlude, Special Music 

Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring Johann Sebastian Bach
Serenade  Jeremiah Clarke
Where E’er You Walk Handel


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